English disclaimer

If you came here by total chance and you don't speak French, there's no English version, I'm too lazy.
You can use
Google Translation but the results are often really silly :).
This blog is mostly for friends, but I like to welcome web travelers, so you can enjoy the music (mp4 chaptered as podcast) by just clicking on the image of each compilation to download it. And you can post comments, I'll answer.

lundi 12 mars 2012

(vidéos) des chats, Joy Division et Darth Vader

En attendant la prochaine compil', qui je l'espère ne saurait trop trop tarder, voici encore une excellente vidéo, toujours grâce à Boing Boing (décidément).

Allez, on contemple encore un dingue de plus :)

et en cadeau bonus, un vrai malade, il faudrait plus de gens comme ça :

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